1. Payment Methods: Paypal.
  2. Payment Currency: All prices are listed in USD.
  3. Refunds: We offer refunds in accordance with our Refund Policy. Please refer to our Refund Policy for more information.
  4. Security: We take the security of your payment information seriously. All transactions are processed securely using industry-standard encryption methods.
  5. Payment Disputes: In the event of a payment dispute, please contact our customer service team at service@agstumoptical.com for assistance.
  6. Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about our Payments Policy, please contact us at  Email: service@agstumoptical.com.
  7. Changes to Payments Policy: Agstum Optical reserves the right to modify or update this Payments Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting to this page.
  8. Address: 7th Floor,Caiku Building, Junction of Huai'an Road and Zhaiying Street, Yuhua, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, 050000 China.
  9. Email: service@agstumoptical.com

  10. Phone: +86 15176931981

  11. Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 15:00–23:00 (UTC+8), China Standard Time (Shanghai)